I receive daily updates from CNN’s
Quest Means Business daily newsletter. So two days ago, I read this email from
Richard Quest and the QMB team…As I am traveling the world, it seems
appropriate to hear directly from you. So – pithy and short – tell me what the US
election means to you, your business, and your part of the world. I will
include extracts from the best throughout the rest of the week. You can choose
to be quasi anonymous, ‘Debbie from Dakar’ or totally without name! Email me
direct at Richard.Quest@cnn.com. Yes, they really do come to my Blackberry –
and I can enjoy reading and editing them as I travel Asia. Let me hear from you…(I
scribbled my thoughts below in one hour and sent the email to Richard Quest yesterday).
The election of Donald J Trump
was the crowning moment in a year of very unexpected moments. First and
foremost, the English Premier League Leicestered, the Nobel Prize for
Literature Bob Dylaned and politically, UK Brexited. But none of those compare
to the biggest story of the year, the US Trumped bigly! Well, also portraying
that “you can use the word “bigly” consistently and become president of the United
States” in the words of Efemia Chela. Trump’s breaking of all the political,
ethical and moral rules yet still making it to the top of American politics raised
serious questions about everything I was taught to believe as a child. It was a
vote which South African novelist, Zukiswa Wanner simply described as “Insanity
Trumps Reason”.
My country, Cameroon has had the
same resident president, Paul Biya for 34 years now, since 1982, half a dozen years
before I was even born, so Donald Trump is the sixth US president he's lived
through in office. Our numerous problems have made me yearn for real change in
power for most of my life, which has not been forthcoming because even peaceful
protests are confronted with the bullet and our attempts at the ballot have
been futile because they are constantly rigged to our contempt. So when I see
the American people electing Trump for a change, it makes me wonder how privileged
they are and how comfortable they are to easily choose anybody for a change,
even a clown.
#The Wait for today’s newsletter.
The email came in just before midnight, when
I was asleep. Some wicked mosquitoes woke me up at 2.00AM and I couldn't go back to bed. I remembered the newsletter and checked my
smartphone. Uh! An excerpt of my piece, chosen by Richard Quest and his team
and featured on CNN’s Quest Means Business daily newsletter! And the longest
extract of them all. The others were creative and interesting too…But those guys murdered my name oh!

Keep sending me your reactions to Richard.Quest@cnn.com
The world at this stage feels like a ticking time bomb that can go off at the slightest Trump trigger -- Adam in Africa
Where is the logic in being so hostile towards China but so friendly with Russia? --Olof from Sweden
Melania will bring glamour to the White House. Exciting times ahead -- Gillian from South Africa
America - be proud of your new president. He really has got balls -- Ann, 75-year-old from Oz
Trump will turn out to be a trailblazer amongst the world leaders in modern history --Sam
Hope Trump reconsiders touching the Iran deal! Behrad from Iran
Donald Trump is just another Hugo Chavez (not on ideology, but on character) --Venezuelan living in Chile
When I see the American people electing Trump for a change, it makes me wonder how privileged they are, and how comfortable they are to easily choose anybody for a change, even a clown -- Nkiatcha from Cameroon

Profitable Moment
This is what you think of Trump
You inundated my Blackberry with your comments and thoughts on the Donald Trump victory. Here are a sample chosen by me and the team. More tomorrow and Friday. I am now in Singapore.
Keep sending me your reactions to Richard.Quest@cnn.com
The world at this stage feels like a ticking time bomb that can go off at the slightest Trump trigger -- Adam in Africa
Where is the logic in being so hostile towards China but so friendly with Russia? --Olof from Sweden
Melania will bring glamour to the White House. Exciting times ahead -- Gillian from South Africa
America - be proud of your new president. He really has got balls -- Ann, 75-year-old from Oz
Trump will turn out to be a trailblazer amongst the world leaders in modern history --Sam
Hope Trump reconsiders touching the Iran deal! Behrad from Iran
Donald Trump is just another Hugo Chavez (not on ideology, but on character) --Venezuelan living in Chile
When I see the American people electing Trump for a change, it makes me wonder how privileged they are, and how comfortable they are to easily choose anybody for a change, even a clown -- Nkiatcha from Cameroon